Thanks for the ex, I learn a lot from a relationship

2 min readAug 20, 2020

Go strange forward to the ideal relationship, it's rare, I mean very rare not up to 10 but when you move on, the new ones come. The only thing you need to know is a relationship, in general, have a limit of time.

And yes, when you truly love a person, you can't think about anyone else till you totally move on. This feeling is so amazing when you haven't missed them day and night anymore and no need to find a way to get your ex back. It's when your heart once again beat harder with the others and you know you will be loved and love again. Trust me, this feeling can't be better especially when you escaped from a toxic relationship.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I had read a lot of study since that love and now I am in love again with full of feeling that I know it's love. Loving someone isn't easy and go further with them is a different story so I choose to have fun first. If love has a limit of time, I will do all my best for you till the better come to you and I choose to move on. If you don't bring any toxic issues to this relationship, I promise to stay and never change the way I treat you.

Never blame for anyone come and go, trust in your gut feeling, when it knows the perfect time to move on, you will know. And at the moment you accept yourself, you know someone else will come on your way, take attendance. Take time and enjoy the valuable time with the new ones or someone who truly bring you a love life.

